Tuesday, November 09, 2010

The drool, the tears, the snot. (Oh, and the screaming.)

And that's only Finn. Lily was sick AGAIN from Friday until now. So sick she had two naps on Friday and I could barely get her to the photo studio to get her Kindergarten photos done. Then when we finally got there, she cried and cried and cried, clutching my leg. "I don't want to get my picture taken!!! Mama come in, too. Mama be in the picture!!!" Wouldn't that have been a nice look? The tear-stained, blotchy face is nice enough.

So now she has an awful cough and cold and was totally wiped out all day Saturday, too. On Sunday, we sent her to Brynn's to play. We needed a break from her constant whining!

Uh, I think he's trying to tell us something.

Then there's Finn. The baby who never really cried has been bursting into tears. Ouchy tears. For the past three or four days, along with the constant drool, his bottom gums have been swollen. Really swollen and we can see/feel some little guys trying to pop out. Lots of Advil (well, when necessary) and one rubbing of Orajel (which instantly stopped five minutes of earth-shattering middle-of-the-night screaming) has helped. Except now, as of last night, he has a brand new cold. Every sneeze shoots fountains of snot out, so now he's not pleased about us wiping his nose every other minute. What? That's not enough? His six-month immunization was this morning AND I topped that off with a flu shot. Sore gums, extremely snotty nose and really tender legs. Poor kid. (Got him weighed at the clinic and he's now 19 lbs., 12 oz., just under the 90th percentile. At least his girth isn't suffering...)

But oh, the carrots. The carrot soup.

This is right before I pureéd it into a rich burgundy colour soup. Look how the purple carrots turned the onions bright purple.
And oh, the bags and bags of carrots we have shredded and are awaiting us in the freezer for carrot cake and muffins. Sunday was such a nice day I finally pulled the rest of the carrots out of the garden. I washed, peeled and cut the carrots all Monday morning and Lily was a big helper and shredded carrots and washed dishes in the afternoon while Finn napped. (Well, we need someone to wash the dishes until our dishwasher arrives on Monday.)

I love purple carrots. And girls who actually wash the dishes sitting like this.

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