Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's a first!

Today is a landmark day. Today you are 19 months old and you slept through the entire night last night for the first time in your life. Ever. Before that, the longest was six hours. Once. Most of the time, we're lucky if you sleep for three hours. So yayyy for Lily! I remember even four or five months ago letting you scream for upwards of two hours. You never let up. Same thing when you were about nine months old. You just screamed for hours no matter how much we reassured you that you were okay.

It's okay if that doesn't happen again tonight. After this many months, the effects of sleep deprivation won't disappear overnight!


I've uploaded a bunch of new videos - nothing fancy - so check out live action Lily: http://www.vimeo.com/user:135048/clips

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