Saturday, November 11, 2006

A wonderful/crabby day

I don't really have alot to say, but you are sleeping with your dad and I don't want to address xmas cards so I'm stalling. I suppose I could gush about how much smarter you are this week than last. So here goes...

Okay, you woke up so now it's seven hours later and you're back in bed. I just finished getting some photos ready to put into Flickr and wow, are you cute. Your hair, and subsequently your pigtails, are getting very long. But they glimmer in the sun and make you even more glowing than usual.

It was a pretty good day. You and dad let me sleep in until 9, which was great. I got up and you had a cookie for breakfast and me and dad had pancakes. Your dad really wanted sausages but we need to be more on the ball for that so tomorrow... Anyway, to occupy some morning time, we went to Rona to check out their fireplaces and xmas stuff. We've really been wanting a fireplace to keep us all nice and cozy in the family room for the winter. Since you were born, our thrifty heat consumption has turned into 'heat is no object' so we've been keeping the house quite a bit warmer so you don't freeze your little hands. But we can't crank the heat to make the family room (with only two registers) as warm as it should be.

Anyway, they didn't have anything we liked so we came home for a quick lunch, only to be interrupted by you pointing upstairs to be taken to bed. Luckily you are easily distracted and we packed back half a jar of lemon chicken and veggies. You slept with your dad from just before noon until about quarter to two when we decided to hit the road again and go to the art gallery. Well, we didn't get out until after you and your dad had some salmon salad sandwiches and I chased you around with the camera.

We went to the MacKenzie Art Gallery. While we've been taking you there since you were a few months old, I think you really appreciated it this time. You walked around and pointed in awe at how amazing and different everything was to you. And your dad and I got to walk around and look at art, something we used to do all the time. You laughed while you pointed, as though what you were witnessing was really absurd. But it was appropriate because all the exhibits were about humour in art!After we left the galleries, we went down to the lobby and hung out amongst the trees and concrete people sculptures for over half an hour. It's nice to be somewhere where you can touch everything and run around without getting in anyone's way. When we left the building, you walked across the grass with this lovely look of freedom on your face, like we hadn't been outside in weeks. (Please, let it be a mild winter. Hello global warming!) But then it all changed once we got home...

Oh boy, did we have a grouchy girl on our hands. I haven't seen you so crabby in ages. No matter what, we couldn't appease you. You wanted to eat the green beans and distribute them evenly across the floor, you wanted me to open a cereal bar and then wouldn't even take a bite, you were a little violent with the rice at supper time and ended up trying to stab me in the eye with my own fork. You had had it. I nursed you on the couch while dad finished eating and cleaned up, then you played hide and seek with dad and that also seemed to take the edge off. But once bedtime rolled around, you bit me. Not once, not twice but a third time after I said 'don't bite your mommy or dad will put you to bed.' Then I realized that it must be those molars coming in. Yes, hello. It took me that long to realize that there was a physical problem to your unusual ornery mood. So I filled up a baby-safe feeder with frozen brocolli stalks and you seemed so relieved to sink your gums into that. And a shot of Advil probably helped. You were asleep by 7:30 so hopefully you were feeling a bit of relief.

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