Sunday, December 19, 2010

Busy for a bunch of introverts

Last week was our busy week. After the winter concert on Tuesday, I had my work xmas lunch on Wednesday, plus Lily's swimming lessons. On Thursday we made gingerbread cookies. On Friday Chris and I had dentist appointments, I had some friends over for soup (until midnight) and Chris was out at a work party until 2 a.m. On Saturday, we were very, very tired but we made it to Margaret's 80th birthday surprise party.

Brynn came over for a couple hours to play and then we went to our friends' Joanne and Paul's place that night.

Today we decorated the cookies and finished up the cards for some friends. Lily loves to make a mess and Finn really wanted to get his hands on those things.

Now we just have to finish making all our presents this week...

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