Friday, March 26, 2010

This and that

It's been a pretty busy March. Swimming lessons (which ended with a pass), dance class, two swimming playdates with Creeson, lots of playdates with Brynn after school, green day, pajama day and a field trip to the Floral Conservatory for school – and now a bit of a sickness...

I have very little energy to be sitting at the computer at night, but thought I'd share a few baby pictures before the baby actually comes out. We were going to take you, but for the first time ever at the Radiology clinic, they actually phoned and said you can only take one adult into the exam. But the images were great. He was sleeping at the time; we saw him open his mouth once, but overall he was pretty still. As you can see, he's got his dad's nose and some pretty terrific chubby cheeks. Can't tell if he had any hair (though in my last ultrasound with you, they could see your hair waving in the amniotic fluid). They've estimated his weight at about five pounds. Well, that was last week and there's been no sign of slowing down.

You talk quite a bit about what you'll do with your baby brother and are still impressed by his hiccups, especially when I am laying beside you and you say you can feel little tiny kicks on your leg...

This is what he looks like on the outside:

My cousin Heather's baby is due about a week and a half after ours – and as of today, we have four weeks to go. They came for brunch last Sunday; your second cousin Zander will be two in a couple weeks. Despite your age difference, he still played something you enjoy...

Which brings us to yesterday. You were coming down with a fever but after some Advil, made it to your hair appointment (from which you phoned me after and left me the most adorable message that you looked like Belle). After lunch, you and Nana hit the Floral Conservatory with your class, but were asleep by 6 p.m. and moaning and miserable and hot all night.

This is the difference between taking Advil (above) and refusing to take Advil (below). After three naps today and not moving off the couch, I hope tomorrow will be better.

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